April 15, 2021.
what, it's true
what, it's true
In the bathroom, Cameron fills a glass with water and throws it back. Having exited, he hands the blister pack of hay fever medication back to me, and says "Thanks."
He zips up his hoodie. "I should probably go up to the roof, anyway, Iris." "Right, Dodo," Iris says, sitting down, "Now, where were we. Alex Daily. Pronouns?"
"Born 1991. Sees the future. And what do you do for a living?"
"Oh," I say, "I'm a cartoonist," before mugging at the camera.
In the bathroom, Cameron fills a glass with water and throws it back. Having exited, he hands the blister pack of hay fever medication back to me, and says "Thanks."
He zips up his hoodie. "I should probably go up to the roof, anyway, Iris." "Right, Dodo," Iris says, sitting down, "Now, where were we. Alex Daily. Pronouns?"
"Born 1991. Sees the future. And what do you do for a living?"
"Oh," I say, "I'm a cartoonist," before mugging at the camera.